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This platform brings to light the often-hidden influences of powerful public servants who manipulate the political landscape, swaying decision-makers toward outcomes that frequently conflict with the rule of law. A glaring example of this manipulation occurred during the COT arbitration, where the integrity of the process was significantly compromised. The arbitrators, expected to uphold the agreed-upon procedures, found themselves powerless as the arbitration unfolded outside these critical frameworks. This situation underscores the urgent need for reform and transparency in political and legal arenas to restore accountability and trust in governance.


Absent Justice - My Story - Alan Smith


Showing below 151 results for Corruption in the Casualties of Telstra government-endorsed arbitrations

Explore the intersection of government corruption and gaslighting in the case of Julian Assange, unveiling a tale of power and manipulation.

Corrupt practices by government exacerbate inequality, poverty, social division, and environmental crises. Exposing and holding the corrupt accountable…

Get in touch and stay informed about government corruption issues with Absent Justice. Contact us to join the fight for transparency and accountability…

Explore revelations of government spying in Chapter 4 of AFP Investigation 2. Discover the truth about surveillance. Absent Justice - Seeking Transpar…

Delve into Chapter 3 of 'Tampering with Evidence' and uncover the truth about dishonestly using corrupt government influence at Absent Justice…

Begin the exploration of ongoing collusion in Chapter 1 of 'Unconscionable Conduct'. Absent Justice uncovers continuous unethical practices in…

Explore the role of the Government Communications Regulator AUSTEL/ACMA within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, revealing key …

Get introduced to the comprehensive exploration of Absent Justice in Part 1, 2, and 3, within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations.

Dive into Chapter 2 of Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman's investigation, where Absent Justice delves into the narrative to uncover critical i…

Explore the issue of discrimination within the context of Julian Assange and Absent Justice, uncovering its impact and implications.

Blowing The Whistle was established on to show our readers that the COT Cases arbitrations were nothing more than a sham set up to p…

Uncover the secrets of a clandestine meeting in Chapter 6 of Absent Justice Part 1, highlighting pivotal moments in AFP investigations

Discover the Independent Assessment Process in Consumer Affairs. Navigate the details with Absent Justice and gain insights.

Delve into Chapter 6 insights of Australian Federal Police Investigations: Julian Assange - Hacking (3). Explore the world of hacking with valuable in…

Treacherous and dishonest. They involve double-dealing, trickery, cheating, and betraying people's trust. This conduct festers corruption. It’s …

Discover the ongoing faxing problems in Chapter 7 of Australian Federal Police Investigations. Dive into the persistent issues faced by consumers.

Explore the intricate issues surrounding Julian Assange's case and its connection to Absent Justice, shedding light on crucial legal and ethical m…

Government Corruption. Corruption in the public service, where misleading and deceptive conduct has spuriously over more than two decades perverted th…

Gain an overview of the comprehensive exploration of misconduct in public office, shedding light on systemic issues, and uncovering hidden aspects.

Explore the realities of Chapter 2 in Absent Justice Book 2's Summary of Events. Dive into the compelling narrative.

Explore the revelations and truths uncovered by Wikileaks 39T within the context of Julian Assange and Absent Justice, shedding light on critical info…

Delve into Chapter 3 of the Government Communications Regulator Austel/ACMA investigation, exploring the complexities of conflict of interest. Learn m…

Read the impactful open letter addressed to the Prime Minister, shedding light on the Julian Assange case and its implications.

Uncover the exposed criminal intent in cases of malfeasance in public office, a revealing journey into accountability.

Explore Government Communications Regulator: AUSTEL/ACMA - Chapter 2, Julian Assange Hacking. Discover the truth on Absent Justice.

Begin your journey with the introduction to Absent Justice Book 2. Get a concise summary of events that sets the stage for an enlightening and engagin…

Delve into the serious issue of malfeasance in public office, as Absent Justice uncovers the hidden aspects of misconduct and its impact.

Explore the comprehensive log of fault complaints in 'Absent Justice Part 1: Chapter 9' on Absent Justice. Discover the details of these compl…

Government corruption and horrendous and horrifying crimes were committed against ordinary small business operators by the Telstra Corporation, Austra…

Dive into Chapter 10 of Absent Justice's investigative series, focusing on Julian Assange's hacking. Gain insights into the complexities of cy…

Explore Chapter 7 of Absent Justice Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, focusing on the reinstated liability clauses. Gain insights into the legal intricacies…

Delving into the pursuit of the Ninth Remedy in Australian Federal Police Investigations. Explore the legal journey to seek justice.

Explore the introduction to a major injustice impacting 16 Australian citizens in AFP Investigations. Absent Justice unveils the depth of this critica…

Discover the alarming reality of evidence tampering in public office, a comprehensive exploration into the depths of legal and ethical breaches.

Explore Chapter 5 of Consumer Affairs in Australian Federal Police Investigations. Discover who benefited from exonerating FHCA, DMR, and Special Coun…

Bribery and Corruption happens in the shadows, often with the help of professional enablers such as bankers, lawyers, accountants and real estate agen…

Chapter 4 Insights: Absent Justice Book 2 - Summary of Events

Evidence plays a crucial role in determining guilt or innocence in criminal proceedings. Tampering with evidence is a serious offence that undermines …

Explore the investigation into defective administration in Chapter 2 of Tampering with Evidence on Absent Justice.

Delve into deceptive practices surrounding Telstra's falsified BCI report in AFP Investigation 2 on Absent Justice.

Explore the challenges and revelations of 'Taking on the Establishment' in the context of misconduct in public office, uncovering systemic iss…

Delve into TIO Chapter 3 of AFP Investigations, focusing on Julian Assange's hacking. Absent Justice provides a detailed look at this significant …

Fault repaired by Ballarat OSC 8/7/93, The original deadline for the data to be changed was June 14th 1991. Mr Smith’s complaint led to the identifi…

Explore Chapter 2 of AFP Investigation 2, shedding light on illicit screening practices. Absent Justice - Seeking Truth and Accountability.

Explore the revelations and implications of fraudulent conduct and falsified reporting in the context of manipulating the regulator, uncovering critic…

Discover the truth about the US Securities Exchange and the 'Pink Herring' in AFP Investigation 2 on Absent Justice.

A criminal scheme devised by Telstra to minimize their losses was uncovered by the Senate in June 1997 more than two years after most of the arbitrati…

Dive into the second phase of Australian Federal Police Investigations, where deeper insights and complex cases are thoroughly explored.

Dive into Chapter 4 of Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman's investigation, where Absent Justice exposes deception in the public service, reveal…

Explore the role and impact of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, uncovering ke…

Explore the introduction of the Consumer Affairs Victoria Report in AFP Investigations Chapter 1 on Absent Justice. Uncover the details.

Chapter 2 in Absent Justice's series delves into the roles of Freehill Hollingdale, Page, Austel, and Telstra in key consumer affairs, unveiling c…

Chapter 4 of Absent Justice Book 2 unveils striking revelations, offering a detailed chronicle of intricate justice and legal battles.

The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted or debased; loss of purity or integrity 2. …

Discover the untold story of Julian Assange's journey with Absent Justice. Dive into our exclusive insights and revelations about this complex cas…

Corruption in government, including non-government self-regulators, undermines the credibility of that government. It erodes the trust of its citizens…

Read about the corruption within the government bureaucracy that plagued the COT arbitrations. Learn who committed these horrendous crimes and where t…

Legal Abuse in arbitration and exposing crime and corruption within those arbitrations has been a costly process. Heinous, scandalous vile and mischie…

Get an overview of Absent Justice Book 2 with our comprehensive summary of events, providing key insights into the narrative's complexities.

Explore Chapter 3 of Absent Justice Book 2: Summary of Events, gaining insights into this captivating narrative.

Explore Chapter 2, delving into the pursuit of the second remedy within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, revealing crucial dev…

Explore Chapter 6 insights in Absent Justice Book 2: Summary of Events, as the story unfolds with intriguing twists and revelations

Explore Helen Handbury's role in the Rupert Murdoch hacked documents in AFP Investigation 2 on Absent Justice.

Begin your journey with the Absent Justice Preface, a critical guide to understanding the complexities and challenges of public office misconduct.

Horrendous and horrifying crimes were committed against ordinary small business operators by the Telstra Corporation, Australia's largest telecomm… - Documentary, Fraudulent reporting, deceptive news reporting, and trading with the enemy >&a

Corruption in Government Agencies. Crooked Lawyers, Tainted Evidence, Fraudulent Conduct, Threats, illegal, Perversion of the Course of Justice, Crimi…

From financial devastation to emotional pain, the dangers of identity theft are considerable

Explore the role of an honest arbitrator in Absent Justice Part 1: Chapter 8. Gain insights into the arbitration process.

Explore the complexities of corruption in arbitration. Gain insights into the intricate issues surrounding this crucial topic on Absent Justice.

Delve into Chapter 5 of Absent Justice Book 2: Summary of Events. Explore the revelations at Absent Justice.

Visitors to this website have drawn parallels between its content and a comprehensive portrayal of criminal activities encompassing fraud.

Delve into the revelations of hacked documents in AFP Investigation 2. Explore the uncovering of critical information.

Unveil the key developments in Chapter 9 of Absent Justice Book 2, offering a deeper understanding of ongoing legal and ethical complexities.

Explore the comprehensive journey of Absent Justice across Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations.

Bribery and corruption in Australia's seat of arbitration is rampant. This fraudulent, conduct is destroying the credibility of Australia to admin…

Delve into Consumer Affairs: Chapter 3, where a corrupt settlement proposal unfolds. Absent Justice - Seeking Truth and Accountability.

Ending bribery corruption means holding the powerful to account and closing down the systems that allows bribery, illicit financial flows, money laund…

Explore the Senate Schedule COT List 16 in the context of Government Communications Regulator: AUSTEL/ACMA on Absent Justice.

Explore the pursuit of the first remedy in November 1993 within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, uncovering key events and dev…

Uncover the depths of regulatory manipulation in our detailed probe into public office misconduct, revealing hidden layers of power and control. compr…

Join us in unraveling the narrative as Absent Justice Book 2 continues its gripping story in Chapter 7.

Corruption is contagious and does not respect sectoral boundaries. Corruption involves duplicity and reduces levels of morality and trust.

Visitors to this website have drawn parallels between its content and a comprehensive portrayal of criminal activities encompassing fraud.

Dive into Chapter 4 of our exposé on public office misconduct, revealing the alarming reality of evidence tampering in the justice system.

Navigate through the narrative with 'Absent Justice Book 2: Summary of Events'. Explore the comprehensive summary of crucial events in this in…

Taking on the Establishment: Bad Bureaucrats and the Establishment, as explored by Absent Justice.

Exploring Legal Professional Privilege in Government Communications Regulator: AUSTEL/ACMA. Uncover the legal dimensions of the investigation.

Delve into Chapter 12 of 'Absent Justice Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3' to unravel the intricate narrative presented at Absent Justice.

Dive into Chapter 5 for a revealing look at the fifth remedy pursued in AFP investigations, offering unique insights into justice and resolution.

Untruthful, hypocritical, fallacious, mendacious and mealymouthed double-dealing two-faced smotth-tounged lawyers sold out their souls during thoese C…

AFP Investigations Chapter 1: Delve into the world of concealment and forged evidence. Join Absent Justice in uncovering the truth.

Explore Chapter 7 for a deep dive into TIO's lies, fraud, and deception within the telecommunications industry, uncovering critical revelations.

A criminal scheme devised by Telstra to minimize their losses was uncovered by the Senate in June 1997 more than two years after most of the arbitrati…

Mr Bates vs The Post Office. Ending bribery corruption means holding the powerful to account Absent Justice

The entire board of Telstra was implicated in corporate fraud during the Casualties of Telstra arbitrations.

The British Post Office wrongly prosecuted hundreds of sub-postmasters due to the faulty Horizon software between 1999 and 2015, causing many to lose …

Explore the intricate details in Chapter 5 of Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman's investigation. Absent Justice delves deep into critical insi…

Explore preliminary matters and key insights in Chapter 1 of the Australian Federal Police Investigations series on Absent Justice.

Explore critical Senate evidence in the context of Australian Federal Police investigations, shedding light on key findings and implications.

Explore the comprehensive chronology of events in the context of misconduct in public office, offering a detailed timeline of key occurrences.

These descriptions illustrate a troubling landscape marked by deceitful practices, extortion, broken promises, and egregious corruption.

Chapter 7 of AFP Investigation 2 examines the impacts of Vietnam and Vietcong on PTSD. Absent Justice provides a profound insight into these complex i…

Chapter 5 reveals the intricacies of the US DOJ's case against Ericsson Sweden, providing a detailed look at international legal challenges.

Explore the revelations from hacked documents linked to Rupert Murdoch in AFP Investigation 2, offering crucial insights into media dynamics.

Delve into Chapter 1 of Absent Justice Book 2: Summary of Events, uncovering the realities of this intriguing journey.

Uncover the startling revelations in Chapter 8 of Consumer Affairs, detailing senatorial threats during Australian Federal Police investigations at Ab…

Delve into the world of bribery, corruption, and illicit dealings surrounding Julian Assange's story. Uncover the truth at Absent Justice.

Dive into the opening chapter of Absent Justice Book 2, setting the stage for a compelling journey through intricate legal and ethical dilemmas.

Chapter 8 of Absent Justice Book 2 offers a deep dive into complex justice issues, revealing startling truths and challenging perceptions.

Explore the pursuit of the eleventh remedy within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, revealing significant developments and insi…

Explore the pursuit of the twelfth remedy within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, uncovering critical developments and insight…

Explore the unbelievable revelations in Absent Justice Part 2, Chapter 13, as the truth unfolds in this gripping narrative.

A criminal scheme devised by Telstra to minimize their losses was uncovered by the Senate in June 1997 more than two years after most of the arbitrati…

Discover the insights and developments in Chapter 6 of Absent Justice Book 2, offering a deeper understanding of complex legal and ethical challenges.

Delve into Chapter 2 of Absent Justice Book 2, uncovering key developments and insights into intricate legal and ethical challenges.

Delve into Chapter 6 to explore the sixth remedy pursued in Australian Federal Police investigations, uncovering significant developments.

Explore the pursuit of the fourth remedy in Australian Federal Police investigations. Follow the trail of justice at Absent Justice.

Uncover the strategies and outcomes in Chapter 7 as we explore the seventh remedy pursued in the Australian Federal Police investigations.

Explore the revelations and insights in Chapter 3 of Absent Justice Book 2, a compelling journey into justice and truth.

Checkout our bribery and corruption part one and part two learn how deception undermines the credibility of those businesses who have been subjected t…

Chapter 4 of Absent Justice Book 2 unveils striking revelations, offering a detailed chronicle of intricate justice and legal battles.

TRADE PRACTICES ACT 1974 - SECT 52 Misleading or deceptive conduct (1) A corporation shall not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misle…

Chapter 5 uncovers shocking fraudulent conduct in public office, highlighting how regulators are manipulated in a web of deceit.

Dive into Chapter 12 of Absent Justice Book 2 for a deep exploration of complex justice issues, offering insightful perspectives and revelations.

Chapter 3 delves into betrayal and breaches of trust within the establishment, exposing critical issues of misconduct and accountability.

Discover Chapter 5: Immoral Hypocritical Conduct in the pursuit of justice against misconduct in public office.

Discover the truth behind Telstra's Falsified BCI Report and the deception exposed in this investigation. Explore the details at Absent Justice.

Dive into Chapter 3 of 'Misconduct in Public Office', where Absent Justice reveals fraudulent conduct in the manipulation of the regulator. Ex…

Begin the journey of 'Taking on the Establishment' with Chapter 1, exploring the challenges and prospects in 'Can We Fix the Can?

Explore the challenges Julian Assange faced while navigating a world of bad bureaucrats in the pursuit of justice. Discover the truth at Absent Justic…

Unveil Chapter 6 of Misconduct in Public Office: Taking on the Establishment, a riveting exploration of public office misconduct.

Absent Justice |…

Explore our in-depth analysis of Australian Federal Police investigations, uncovering critical insights into consumer affairs and justice issues

Delve into Chapter 8 to discover the intricacies of the eighth remedy pursued in Australian Federal Police investigations, revealing key outcomes.

Explore the pursuit of the third remedy in Australian Federal Police Investigations. Uncover the details of this investigation at Absent Justice.

Explore the necessity of proceeding with arbitration in the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, revealing key insights and challenges…

Chapter 11 of Absent Justice details the pressures faced by arbitrators in key investigations. Gain insights into the challenges and impacts in legal …

Dishonest, unethical unprincipled, unscrupulous, venal, contaminated, decayed, distorted, falsified, tainted, demoralize, depraved, suborn, graft, sha…

Begin the journey with Chapter 1, uncovering irregularities and untrustworthy actions in the context of tampering with evidence, setting the stage for…

Dive into Chapter 2 of 'Misconduct in Public Office', where Absent Justice exposes unethical practices in manipulating the regulator. Explore …

Explore Chapter 5 of Absent Justice Book 2 for an in-depth look into unfolding legal narratives, uncovering layers of justice and truth.

Explore the legality of events in Chapter 14 of Evidence on Absent Justice. Delve into the complex legal aspects surrounding these actions.

Discover the revelations and developments in Chapter 10 of Absent Justice Book 2, shedding light on critical issues and events.

Learn about horrendous crimes and unscrupulous criminals, corrupt politicians and the lawyers who control the legal profession in Australia. Corrupt B…

Chapter 7 delves into the complexities of Vietnam and Vietcong, revealing hidden aspects of the AFP's investigation and quest for truth.

Examine the significant issue of Telstra's falsified SVT report within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations, uncovering crucial…

Explore the revelations and implications of hacked documents in the context of Julian Assange and Absent Justice, shedding light on critical issues.

Explore Chapter 11 of Absent Justice Book 2, where we unravel complex narratives and shed light on overlooked aspects of justice and fairness.

Delve into Chapter 10 to explore the tenth remedy pursued in Australian Federal Police investigations, revealing significant developments and outcomes…


Absent Justice Ebook

Read Alan’s new book
‘Absent Justice’

I am excited to share the announcement of my first book, *Absent Justice*, which marks the beginning of a thoughtful trilogy dedicated to exposing and addressing the corrupt practices that have gradually influenced the Australian way of life. This book is available for Order Now—It's Free, making it accessible to a wide audience who may benefit from its insights.

 *Absent Justice* is the result of extensive and comprehensive research, which includes a thorough examination of existing literature, interviews with key stakeholders, and meticulous evidence collection. The narrative presents a compelling exploration of critical issues related to justice and equity within Australia's arbitration and mediation systems. By delving into real-world examples and case studies, the book aims to shed light on the systemic challenges that many individuals face when seeking fair treatment and resolution.

I invite readers to engage with this work and reflect on the importance of the research and evidence that underpin its findings. If you value the insights presented and are inclined to support the pursuit of transparency, I would greatly appreciate your consideration of a donation to Transparency International Australia. Your contribution can significantly enhance efforts to promote integrity and accountability within our society, ultimately benefiting all Australians.

Quote Icon

“I am writing in reference to your article in last Friday’s Herald-Sun (2nd April 1993) about phone difficulties experienced by businesses.

I wish to confirm that I have had problems trying to contact Cape Bridgewater Holiday Camp over the past 2 years.

I also experienced problems while trying to organise our family camp for September this year. On numerous occasions I have rung from both this business number 053 424 675 and also my home number and received no response – a dead line.

I rang around the end of February (1993) and twice was subjected to a piercing noise similar to a fax. I reported this incident to Telstra who got the same noise when testing.”

Cathy Lindsey

“Only I know from personal experience that your story is true, otherwise I would find it difficult to believe. I was amazed and impressed with the thorough, detailed work you have done in your efforts to find justice”

Sister Burke

“…your persistence to bring about improvements to Telecom’s country services. I regret that it was at such a high personal cost.”

The Hon David Hawker MP

“I am writing in reference to your article in last Friday’s Herald-Sun (2nd April 1993) about phone difficulties experienced by businesses.

I wish to confirm that I have had problems trying to contact Cape Bridgewater Holiday Camp over the past 2 years.

I also experienced problems while trying to organise our family camp for September this year. On numerous occasions I have rung from both this business number 053 424 675 and also my home number and received no response – a dead line.

I rang around the end of February (1993) and twice was subjected to a piercing noise similar to a fax. I reported this incident to Telstra who got the same noise when testing.”

Cathy Lindsey

“…your persistence to bring about improvements to Telecom’s country services. I regret that it was at such a high personal cost.”

Hon David Hawker

“Only I know from personal experience that your story is true, otherwise I would find it difficult to believe. I was amazed and impressed with the thorough, detailed work you have done in your efforts to find justice”

Sister Burke

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