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Chapter Ten - The tenth remedy pursued

To effectively end bribery and corruption, we must take a comprehensive approach that involves holding powerful individuals and institutions accountable for their actions. This means implementing strict enforcement of laws and regulations that deter corrupt practices and ensure that those who engage in bribery face serious consequences. Additionally, we must systematically dismantle the supporting systems that allow bribery, illicit financial flows, and money laundering to persist.

Bribery and corruption typically occur in hidden, opaque environments, often supported by a network of professional enablers including bankers, lawyers, accountants, and real estate agents who facilitate these transactions. These professionals may exploit loopholes in the law and manipulate financial systems to assist their clients in circumventing justice. Opaque financial systems, characterized by a lack of transparency, and the use of anonymous shell companies play a critical role in enabling these corrupt schemes to flourish. 


Absent Justice - 12 Remedies Persued - 10

Following the advice of Hon. Senator Helen Coonan, the Minister for Communications wrote to me in May 2007, suggesting that I take Telstra to court regarding privacy issues. I reached out to Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) and worked with an advisor who assisted me in preparing a claim to present to Peter Hiland, a barrister for CAV. From October 2007 to late 2008, this advisor, a former high-ranking Victorian police officer, had several discussions with Peter Hiland, who assessed my claims.

The barrister was pleased that I could provide evidence showing that faxes sent from Sir Owen Dixon Chambers, Melbourne's legal hub, were intercepted before reaching their intended recipients. He was also concerned to learn that neither the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) nor Telstra had returned to me the evidence I submitted, which confirmed that faxes meant for others were mistakenly delivered to my business in Cape Bridgewater.

Five years after CAV received this evidence, it was finally returned to me. Although it was not in disarray, the manner in which it was returned suggested it had undergone some investigation. However, similar to the situation with the Institute of Arbitrators Mediator Australia (IAMA), this investigation did not lead to any significant outcomes, and those who assessed my claims also reached conclusions without any resolution.

The barrister appeared genuinely excited that I could provide evidence regarding the interception of faxes leaving the Sir Owen Dixon Chambers before they reached their intended destinations. He was also troubled to learn that neither the TIO nor Telstra had returned the evidence I provided, which confirmed that faxes sent from the Crown Casino complex were incorrectly delivered to my business in Cape Bridgewater despite not being meant for me. Although the evidence was returned to me five years later in a seemingly organized manner, it indicated that some investigation had occurred. However, like with the IAMA, this investigation did not yield significant results, and those who assessed my claims concluded without reaching any decisive outcomes.

Since 2003, a well-respected former senior Victorian police officer, who is a recipient of the Order of Australia, has been working to help me resolve my arbitration issues from 1994. In 2007, at the request of the government’s most senior barrister, Peter Hiland, this same ex-police officer convened a meeting in Melbourne. This meeting took place in a restaurant just a short distance from the offices of Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV), and included Graham Schorer, a spokesperson for the COT (Customers of Telstra), as well as myself.

Peter Hiland and the ex-police officer were already acquainted through their professional backgrounds, as the former officer had served as a police prosecutor and had faced Hiland in court on opposite sides. Hiland agreed to this meeting after reviewing documents that prompted him to do so, which contained preliminary evidence related to the COT case. During the meeting, the barrister stated that CAV had been waiting for years to gather this type of evidence, as it clearly confirmed their long-held suspicions. This evidence indicated that certain individuals had access to privileged documents that had been sent via Telstra’s network during litigation processes.

The barrister also expressed serious concerns regarding Telstra's actions during my arbitration process, including the use of falsified reports, the authorization of false witness statements, and the serious threats made against claimants during the legal arbitration process conducted in Victoria. After reviewing some of the COT evidence, the barrister noted that there was still more evidence being compiled. He assured me that any information provided to the CAV would definitely be investigated.

It is clear from exhibits AS-CAV 814, 815 and 816 (see AS-CAV 790 to 818) that the Victorian Department of Justice in 2011 would not investigate evidence of facsimiles that were intercepted in the State of Victoria during litigation/arbitration.

After being told more evidence was being collated, the barrister asked for all evidence to be provided for CAV to investigate. This ex-senior Victorian police officer personally submitted Alan’s 32 separate spiral-bound volumes of evidence to CAV. Within a couple of weeks, Alan was advised via this ex-senior Victorian police officer that CAV was investigating and requested all 32 separate volumes to be supplied on a CD (compact disc). More than two years after CAV said it was investigating this material, the evidence was returned and so far, in 2020, the State of Victoria Department of Justice has declined to make a finding on that material.

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Absent Justice Ebook

Read Alan’s new book
‘Absent Justice’

My decision to write this book stems from the complex nature of our narrative and the wide range of exhibits that required careful organization and duplication. This strategic choice allows readers to recognize the various crimes committed against the COT Cases by numerous entities, including public officials and regulatory agencies. This storytelling approach is essential in illustrating the extensive criminality that thrived within the government-sanctioned arbitrations under the International Arbitration Act.

Until the late 1990s, the Australian government-owned Australia's telephone network and the communications carrier Telecom (now privatized and known as Telstra). Telecom monopolised communications and allowed the network to fall into disrepair. Instead of addressing our severely deficient telephone services as part of the government-endorsed arbitration process—which became an uneven battle we could never win—these issues were never resolved, despite the hundreds of thousands of dollars it cost claimants to pursue their cases against this government-owned asset.

Quote Icon

“…your persistence to bring about improvements to Telecom’s country services. I regret that it was at such a high personal cost.”

The Hon David Hawker MP

“A number of people seem to be experiencing some or all of the problems which you have outlined to me. …

“I trust that your meeting tomorrow with Senators Alston and Boswell is a profitable one.”

Hon David Hawker MP

“…your persistence to bring about improvements to Telecom’s country services. I regret that it was at such a high personal cost.”

Hon David Hawker

“Only I know from personal experience that your story is true, otherwise I would find it difficult to believe. I was amazed and impressed with the thorough, detailed work you have done in your efforts to find justice”

Sister Burke

“I am writing in reference to your article in last Friday’s Herald-Sun (2nd April 1993) about phone difficulties experienced by businesses.

I wish to confirm that I have had problems trying to contact Cape Bridgewater Holiday Camp over the past 2 years.

I also experienced problems while trying to organise our family camp for September this year. On numerous occasions I have rung from both this business number 053 424 675 and also my home number and received no response – a dead line.

I rang around the end of February (1993) and twice was subjected to a piercing noise similar to a fax. I reported this incident to Telstra who got the same noise when testing.”

Cathy Lindsey

“…the very large number of persons that had been forced into an arbitration process and have been obliged to settle as a result of the sheer weight that Telstra has brought to bear on them as a consequence where they have faced financial ruin if they did not settle…”

Senator Carr

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