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Read about our dealings with fraudulent submission of corrupt evidence. Threats, misleading, and deceptive conduct used by government bureaucrats should not be tolerated in any country, let alone Australia. Selling out the other side of politics, the money grubbers and career dogs, especially politicians — who have compromised their morals and the community's needs in pursuit of illicit personal gain is shaping the Australian legal profession. Still, no one in the Australian government wants to investigate my evidence - Read about our dealings with.

Instances of foreign bribery, foreign corrupt practices, kleptocracy, foreign corruption programs, and international fraud against the government present significant challenges. Regrettably, the corruption of federal public officials is prevalent, posing a threat to the integrity of our governmental bodies. The events surrounding the Australian government-endorsed Casualties of Telstra arbitrations prompt reflection. The conduct of specific public figures, notably politicians, who prioritize personal gain over ethical considerations and community welfare, exerts a discernible influence on the Australian arbitration and mediation system  - Contact - Government Corruption.

The Arbitrator 

Absent Justice - Order of Australia

Dr Gordon Hughes, Warwick Smith - Order of Australia


Until the late 1990s, the Australian government owned Australia's telephone network and the communications carrier, Telecom (today privatised and called Telstra). Telecom held the monopoly on communications and let the network deteriorate into disrepair. When four small business owners had severe communication problems (I was the founding member of the four), they were offered a commercial assessment process by the Federal government, which endorsed the process. The arbitrations were a sham: the appointed arbitrator not only allowed Telstra to minimise tclaimant'st's claims and losses, but the arbitrator also bowed down to Telstra and let the carrier run the arbitrations. Telstra committed serious crimes during the arbitrations, yet, up to this day, the Australian government and the Australian Federal Police have been unable to hold Telstra, or the other entities involved in these crimes, accountable.


Evidence Files Corruption in Arbitration

The following text refers to 10 links, which have been extracted from 180 similar links that are appended to this website. Upon clicking on any of these links, it becomes unequivocally apparent that the COT arbitrations were plagued with pervasive corruption, deception, and misleading conduct, including the perversion of the course of justice. The evidence presented in these links indicates a systemic and deliberate effort to subvert the arbitration process and undermine the integrity of justice.

  • Bribery and Corruption My Story Warts & All. Delve into 'My Story, Warts and All', a candid chapter in Absent Justice Book 2, offering an unvarnished look at complex justice issues.
  • Chapter 2 - Freehill Hollingdale & Page, AUSTEL and Telstra. Chapter 2 in Absent Justice's series delves into the roles of Freehill Hollingdale, Page, Austel, and Telstra in key consumer affairs, unveiling c…
  • Absent Justice Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Explore the comprehensive journey of Absent Justice across Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations.
  • Introduction to Absent Justice, Parts 1, 2, and 3. In Parts 1, 2, and 3, you will be introduced to the comprehensive exploration of absent justice within the context of Australian Federal Police Investigations.
  • Chapter 1 Irregular and untrustworthy. Begin the journey with Chapter 1, uncovering irregularities and untrustworthy actions in the context of tampering with evidence, setting the stage for…
  • Bad bureaucrats and the establishment. Taking on the Establishment: Bad Bureaucrats and the Establishment, as explored by Absent Justice.
  • Chapter 5—Who benefited from exonerating FHCA, DMR, and Special Counsel? Explore Chapter 5 of Consumer Affairs in Australian Federal Police Investigations. Discover who benefited from exonerating FHCA, DMR, and Special Counsel…
  • Chapter 2 - Inaccurate and Incomplete. Government corruption and horrendous and horrifying crimes were committed against ordinary small business operators by the Telstra Corporation, Australia…
  • Chapter 4: Distorted and unlawful. Dive into Chapter 4 of our exposé on public office misconduct, which reveals the alarming reality of evidence tampering in the justice system.
  • Chapter 1 concealment and forged evidence. AFP Investigations Chapter 1: Delve into the world of concealment and forged evidence. Join Absent Justice in uncovering the truth.


Absent Justice - Prior to Arbitration


TIO Evidence File No 3-A is an internal Telstra email (FOI folio A05993) dated 10 November 1993 from Chris Vonwiller to Telstra’s corporate secretary Jim Holmes, CEO Frank Blount, group general manager of commercial Ian Campbell and other important members of the then-government owned corporation. The subject is Warwick Smith – COT cases, and it is marked as CONFIDENTIAL:

Exhibit TIO Evidence File No 3-A confirms that two weeks before the TIO was officially appointed as the administrator of the Fast Track Settlement Proposal FTSP, which became the Fast-Track Arbitration Procedure (FTAP, he was providing the soon-to-be defendants (Telstra) of that process with privileged, government party room information about the COT cases. Not only did the TIO (the administrator of the COT arbitrations) breach his duty of care to the COT claimants, he compromised his own future position as the official independent administrator of the process.

It is highly likely the advice Warwick Smith gave to Telstra’s senior executive, in confidence (that Senator Ron Boswell’s National Party Room was not keen on holding a Senate enquiry), later prompted Telstra to have the FTSP non-legalistic commercial assessment process turned into Telstra’s preferred legalistic arbitration procedure, because they now had inside government privileged information: there was no longer a major threat of a Senate enquiry.

Who We Are

As I write this, it is now May 2024 and still, every time I go back to finalise various parts of this website, I have to re-read all the complex details that make up the whole, true, terrible story; my anxiety levels instantly begin to rise alarmingly. No matter what I do, finding the right words to finish the dreadful story is hard. The problem is that none of the COT cases, all honest Australian citizens, should have ever been forced into a situation that would eventually leave us all dealing with so many still-unaddressed crimes.  As this website clearly shows (see opposite →  The situation is worsened by those who worked with Telstra to carry out those still unaddressed crimes. Telstra has so much power that it can stop any authorities, including government authorities, from transparently investigating any of those crimes. It's time to end this injustice and hold those responsible accountable - Absent Justice - Documentary

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Absent Justice - My Story - Senator Ron Boswell

Threats made and carried out.

Page 180 ERC&A, from the official Australian Senate Hansard, dated November 29 1994, reports Senator Ron Boswell asking Telstra's legal directorate why were my FOI documents being withheld from me during my arbitration:

“Why did Telecom advise the Commonwealth Ombudsman that Telecom withheld FOI documents from Alan Smith because Alan Smith provided Telecom FOI documents to the Australian Federal Police during their investigation?”

After receiving a hollow response from Telstra, which the senator, the AFP and I all knew was utterly false, the senator states:

“…Why would Telecom withhold vital documents from the AFP? Also, why would Telecom penalise COT members for providing documents to the AFP which substantiate that Telecom had conducted unauthorised interceptions of COT members’ communications and subsequently dealt in the intercepted information by providing that information to Telecom’s external legal advisers and others?” (Senate Evidence File No 31)

As I have reiterated throughout this website, the threats against me during the arbitration proceedings came to fruition, and the withholding of pertinent documents is deeply concerning. Regrettably, neither the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman nor the government has investigated the detrimental impact of this malpractice on my overall submission to the arbitrator. Despite assisting the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in their investigation into the illicit interception of phone conversations and arbitration-related faxes, they never came to my aid.

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“…the very large number of persons that had been forced into an arbitration process and have been obliged to settle as a result of the sheer weight that Telstra has brought to bear on them as a consequence where they have faced financial ruin if they did not settle…”

Senator Carr

Absent Justice - Where was the Justice 

The following exhibit Senate Evidence File No 12shows I have been threatened twice, once on 16 August 2001 and again on 6 December 2004, that if I disclose the 6 and 9 July 1998 In-Camera Hansard, the Senate will have me charged with contempt of the Senate, even though these Hansards could well have won sixteen arbitration and mediation appeals (An Injustice to the remaining 16 Australian citizens)

Where is justice being served by the Senate, originally set up in Rome centuries ago to be a place for the people to access justice? Throwing me in jail for exposing the truth surrounding what the Senate found regarding Telstra's unethical conduct perpetrated against the COT Cases appears to be in conflict with the reason Australia has a Senate. I certainly do not want to end up in jail for exposing these Australian In-Camber Senate Hansard of 6 and 9 July 1998, which the Victoria Police Major Fraud Group supplied to me, thinking my releasing them publically would bring about an appeal for the remaining sixteen COT Cases the government has discriminated against in the most deplorable fashion. 

In fact, after one National Party senator, Ron Boswell, verbally attacked a very senior Telstra arbitration officer, stating, “You are really a disgrace, the whole lot of you,” he then apologised to the chair of the Senate committee, stating:

“Madam, I withdraw that, but I do say this: this has got a unity ticket going right through this parliament. This has united every person in this parliament – something that no-one else has ever had the ability to do – and Telstra has done it magnificently. They have got the Labor Party, they have got the National Party, they have got the Liberal Party, they have got the Democrats and they have got the Greens – all united in a singular distrust of Telstra. You have achieved a miracle.”

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